Actor Grand L. Bush’s Medical Odyssey

“There is not a single entertainer around that has reached success by staying on the same career path,” actor-turned-diagnostic medical sonographer Grand L. Bush said today. “In fact, research shows that the average American between ages eighteen and forty-six will explore as many as fifteen different occupations before landing the perfect gig.

“Along the way, I’ve held jobs that tested me physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and ethically. That was good, because each experience made the next one better.”

To read more, go here.

Most Exclusive Nightclubs In Los Angeles


(Photo Courtesy: AV Nightclub)

“Everyone loves to party in Hollywood,” said Vince Williamz, an actor-host who frequents some of Tinseltown’s more tantalizing and exclusive nightclubs. “You have tourists that come far and wide just to experience this town’s star-studded nightlife.”

So how does one get inside these privileged venues? “You have to know the hot spots and promoters, look good and be willing to spend lots of money,” said Williamz.

There are also other ways to wine, dine and shake and shimmy alongside famous celebrities.

Here are a few of LA’s most exclusive clubs and some tips on how to get inside.

Continue reading at CBS Los Angeles.


11-year-old classic music performer catches actor Robert Davi’s eye

LOS ANGELES, CA — Like many preteens, an 11-year-old performer with twinkling stars in his radiating eyes has golden dreams of becoming famous in Hollywood.

For Matthew Parry-Jones, those visions of grandeur started taking distinguishable shape when the actor, model and singer was a babe in arms, drawn to the music styles of such legendary figures as Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and the entertainment world in general.

During his first year of life, one of the Philippines’ favorite sons was already earning an income for his family after landing a starring role in a Huggies television commercial.

Since then, young Parry-Jones — who was reared in Great Britain — has been featured in other TV advertisements and in a growing number of major motion pictures, including “Contagion,” a thriller released in 2011, starring Oscar-winner Matt Damon.

The academically-gifted preteen, who speaks with a refreshing British-American accent, has also gained some acting experience on stage at the Bay Area Shakespeare Camp in San Francisco.

Now the boy, who could become a future stalwart of the music industry, wants to share a stage with his idol, famous actor and recording artist Robert Davi, whose debut album, “Davi Sings Sinatra: On the Road to Romance,” was released in October, 2011, to critical acclaim.

Parry-Jones’ rise to stardom appears to parallel that of Davi’s, whose dizzying list of credits contains all the triple-threat elements of a successful performing artist.

Davi, best known for his roles in such films as “Die Hard,” “Licence to Kill,” and “The Goonies,” is a classically-trained singer who is currently juggling his continued film career alongside headlining musical engagements in Los Angeles and Las Vegas, where the movie star pays homage to his mentor, the late Frank Sinatra, while promoting his album and The Great American Songbook.

In an effort to attract Davi’s attention, Parry-Jones recently located a Lutheran church in Long Beach that was willing to donate its space and technical services so that the preteen could perform his vintage-inspired, hip-swiveling version of “Summer Wind,” a song Sinatra recorded in 1968.

In the YouTube video, Parry-Jones — donning a blend of British and Western attire — swaggers with confidence, incorporating a few signature dance power moves against the backdrop of an empty pulpit. In watching the boy’s conscientious effort, it’s easy to envision him demonstrating the same routine before a large, appreciative audience.

Parry-Jones – who has performed classic songs live on stage at a number of venues in California, the Philippines and the UK – donates a portion of the proceeds from his paying gigs to help impoverished children in his home country of the Philippines through a foundation he started a few years back.

One can only imagine the opportunities that will be afforded to Parry-Jones as he becomes increasingly recognized by Hollywood heavyweights.

So far, the determined performer has been successful at clutching Davi’s attention.

In response to Parry-Jones’ quest to one day share the spotlight with the Hollywood legend, Davi sent his young admirer this verified and personal Facebook message on March 28:

“Fantastic —That will happen Matthew –God Bless — Work Hard and Follow your Dreams !!!!!!”

To learn more about Parry-Jones, follow this link.



Hollywood Roundup Pushes Tax Relief for Pet Owners, Congress Considers

LOS ANGELES, CA (10/07/09) – If pet-loving actors and related consumers have their way, they will be able to deduct as much as $3,500 from their 2010 tax returns for pet care expenses. The idea of a pet tax-exempt initiative was conceived and generated by actor/animal welfare activist Leo Grillo, who has been on a 30-year odyssey rescuing and tending to domesticated animals abandoned in the wilderness.  

Leo Grillo is a world-renowned expert in animal rescue.

Leo Grillo is a world-renowned expert in animal rescue.

Grillo is best known for founding D.E.L.T.A. Rescue, the largest animal sanctuary of its type in the world. It is a 150-acre mountaintop refuge where more than 1,500 animals are cared for on a daily basis by a staff of seventy. Grillo said an amendment to the 1986 Internal Revenue Code will help accelerate the nation’s economic recovery and improve the aggregate condition of America’s body and mind.  

Our nation is mentally, emotionally and financially sick,” said Grillo. “We might be listening to the urgent needs of the lonely, the elderly and those afflicted by personal tragedy, but we’re not moving fast enough to help center their expectations and turn the tide for them.”

 Grillo’s stout-hearted movement to push for pet tax-exempt status falls on the heels of alarming data. A 2008 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care survey revealed that nearly 600,000 Americans were treated for self-inflicted injuries between the pre-and-recessionary years of 2006 and 2008. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than 30,000 Americans each year turn to suicide as their means to an end.  

In addition to medical intervention by physical and mental health care authorities, some animal welfare activists, veterinarians, politicians and medical care professionals are of the collective opinion that if more humans could afford the cost of owning a pet, the effect would perhaps have a positive impact on America’s tattered state of mind.  

People are depressed,” Grillo said. “Pets help them to live and are sometimes the only beings that show these people love. So [H.R. 3501] makes pets a necessary part of their lives, not a frivolous commodity. People who live happily and are productive are good for the economy and the country. Therefore, this bill not only saves pets, it saves people.” 

D.E.L.T.A. Rescue is located near Glendale, California – a state where more than 2.2 million residents are out of work. A few weeks before Grillo’s bill was introduced, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said, Our wallet is empty, our bank is closed and our credit is dried up.” But it is not political hand-wringing taxpayers want to see, said Grillo, as the number of families suffering from both want and need continues to escalate.


Robert Davi is best known for his outstanding work in such movie greats as "Licence to Kill," "Die Hard" and Predator 2." He is currently filming "The Irishman" in Detroit, MI. He is shown with his dog, Stella.

So Grillo shared his proposal with fellow actor Robert Davi, who admits spending a minimum of $4,800 each year caring for his four dogs and cat. “And that’s if there are no medical emergencies,” Davi said.  

Davi is best known for his strong character roles in a number of popular feature films. He is currently working on a movie set in Detroit, MI, a sprawling metropolis slammed to its knees by the collapse of its auto-making industry and a 28.9% unemployment rate.  

A pet tax-exemption will also encourage owners to take better care of their animals, said Grillo. “Pet owners will have more discretionary income from which to do that, and we think there will be a demand for pets since they will be more affordable,” he added.  

The New York headquarters of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals agrees. “Pet care can be expensive,” said Emily Brand, ASPCA’s national spokesperson. “And in these trying economic times, families all over the country have been forced to give up their pets because of financial hardship.” Most owners spend an average of $800 each year caring for their pets. 

Brand believes if owners are able to receive tax relief, “more pets [will] get to remain in their loving homes and [not] wind up on the streets or in the already overburdened shelter system,” she said. ASPCA celebrates Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month each October for good reason.  

According to latest statistics, more than $2 billion is spent annually by local governments to house and ultimately destroy up to 10 million discarded, yet adoptable, dogs and cats due to a shortage of homes. The Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science estimates that animals with a registered pedigree account for 30% of all animals in shelters. The Doris Day Animal League reports the number of abandoned animals has ascended into the millions nationwide. 

In response to Grillo’s quest to help improve the economic standing of an instable and troubled nation, Davi presented Grillo’s proposition to Thaddeus McCotter, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Michigan’s 11th District. McCotter introduced Grillo’s plan of action, which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 111th Congress.  

The bill was cited as the Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years (HAPPY) Act. It is designed to change for the better the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 by allowing a deduction for pet care expenses. McCotter is asking Congress to deliberate on foremost documented facts which show that 63% of all United States households own a pet and that the human-animal bond has been proven to have therapeutic impact upon the emotional and physical well-being of humans.  

Pet care expenses include the cost of food, veterinary care and pet insurance. A qualified pet is defined as one that is legally owned, domesticated and alive. Those pets possessed by owners for the intention of research or utilized for a trade or business are excluded.  

Grillo’s bill was introduced in the House by McCotter on July 31, 2009. 

McCotter believes that a modification to the IRS Code of 1986 will be a simple procedure. He wants the subdivision which relates to additional itemized deductions for individuals altered by re-designating an existing section and inserting a new one. 

Grillo hopes the bill will inspire pet owners who have fallen on difficult economic times to start seeking routine wellness checks, emergency attention and follow-up care for their animals.  

As much as eighty percent of them never go to the vet, not once in their lifetime,” said Grillo. “This way, owners will have more discretionary income to take better care of their pets. And we think there will be a demand for pets since they will be more affordable.” 

Grillo said he is pleased that Rep. McCotter was the one Davi chose to walk in the legislative measure. “Thaddeus [McCotter] is not the typical politician. He has integrity,” Grillo said. “He has stayed with our ideas, even though there are easier political ways to get something passed and look good to pet owners. Instead, he is with us to get the whole thing passed.”  

Grillo added that he is not astonished that the number of Americans supporting H.R. 3501 has entered into the millions within just a few weeks.  I do not understand how there could be even one animal organization that is not on our bandwagon on this one, supporting us in our efforts, despite real world competition between us. This one is purely for the animals,” Grillo said. Grillo and Davi co-starred in the feature film Magic. Grillo also starred in the movie Zyzzyx Rd, opposite Katherine Heigl.

D.E.L.T.A. Rescue operates two state-of-the-art hospitals at its private sanctuary, which is also home to Horse Rescue of America – a successful operation Grillo founded as well. Grillo is a world-renowned expert in animal rescue.

Additional Reading: